The Academic Progress Report (APR) is designed as a checklist for undergraduates. It can help you keep track of all of your degree requirements and monitor your progress toward completion.
The APR includes all eligible exam and transfer credit (as noted in your Exam Results and Transfer Credit Reports), along with Berkeley coursework to confirm satisfaction of requirements as assigned by the responsible unit (e.g., University, campus, college, major and minor department).
Please consult your college advising office to confirm the use of this report to verify your readiness for graduation. There may be additional reviews and/or issues to resolve in order to grant your degree.
How to access the Academic Progress Report
To open your APR, click on the ‘View your Degree Requirements and Progress’ link located on the ‘Degree Progress’ card on your CalCentral, My Academics dashboard. (It may take a little time for the report to run so that the APR can review all of your completed, in-progress, and future enrollment courses to determine your status.)
How to read your Academic Progress Report
As you review your APR, it will be helpful to be aware of:
- The Functionality used throughout the report
- How the report is broken down into Primary Requirement Areas and Individual Requirement Sections
- A few Tips and Tricks and FAQs to understand how the report tracks your progress.
There are three overall functions used throughout the report: Before considering the Passed/Not Passed grade option, be sure to confirm whether a Letter Grade is needed to satisfy the requirement. Your degree consists of at least three primary areas indicated in headings with upper case letters within the APR: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AND BERKELEY CAMPUS REQUIREMENTS The example below shows the Primary Requirement Area headings for a College of Letters and Science student majoring in English. Your APR may have additional primary area headings if you are pursuing a minor or a double major. As you expand each Primary Requirement Area heading, you will see multiple sections, noted in lower case letters, detailing all of the specific requirements assigned for the area. For example the following sections appear under the ‘UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AND BERKELEY CAMPUS REQUIREMENTS’ primary area: University of California: Entry Level Writing (ELWR) Similarly, your college and major areas will break out into multiple sections, detailing every requirement assigned by the college and major (or minor) department. Each section begins by indicating in bold whether the requirement is Satisfied or Not Satisfied. If a requirement is marked as Satisfied, take a look to see if the APR uses an in-progress or future enrollment course as indicated by a yellow diamond If the requirement is indicated as Not Satisfied, read on for more detail on how to complete the requirement and note whether or not you need a certain number of courses (e.g. ‘Courses: 1 required, 0 taken, 1 needed,’ or ‘Course: 5 required, 3 taken, 2 needed’) or a certain amount of units (‘Units: 17 required, 3 taken, 14 needed’). If you are having difficulty locating your Primary Requirement Areas when you first open the APR, go to the top of the APR and click on Collapse All.’ This will immediately display all of the Primary Area sections, and then you can go through each area one-by-one, clicking the arrows pointing right (that appear to the left of each heading title) to reveal all requirement details. Many requirement sections include tables that display a limited number of courses at a time. You can easily view all course options by clicking the ‘View All’ link in the banner at the top to reveal the full table.
or the arrows on the left-hand side of the section headings that point right or down
to see less or more information.
), as well as in-progress and future enrollment (indicated by a yellow diamond
and including ‘Incomplete’ grades), to confirm the requirement is 'Satisfied.' Be sure to note if the APR is using an in-progress or future enrollment course -- especially in sections that are initially collapsed when you first open your report. If the Incomplete, in-progress, or future enrollment is not successfully completed with the minimum grade required, the course will be withdrawn from the APR, and the status of the requirement will change from ‘Satisfied’ to ‘Not Satisfied.’
Primary Requirement Area
MAJOR BA or BS (for declared students)Individual Requirement Sections
University of California: American History (AH)
University of California: American Institutions (AI)
Berkeley Campus: American Cultures (AC)
University of California: GPA
Berkeley Campus: Minimum Total Units
Berkeley Campus: ⅓ Passed Grade Limit
Berkeley Campus: Senior ResidenceTip #1
in the example below. Be sure you are enrolled in this course for a Letter Grade if that is a requirement. If the course has an Incomplete grade (I), check in with your instructor to find out what you need to do to complete the course.
Tip #2
Trick #3
Trick #4
- How do I report my question or error regarding my APR?add
The APR is a report used by multiple levels of the University responsible for assigning the requirements needed to earn your Bachelor’s degree. Consequently, the first step is to take a look at the Primary Requirement Area heading that contains the specific requirement of concern to identify the responsible unit. Once you have confirmed the Primary Area, use the chart below to determine where to submit your report:
APR Primary Requirement area Where to report UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AND BERKELEY CAMPUS REQUIREMENTS Open a CSC case and the Central Evaluation Unit will investigate COLLEGE OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS College of Environmental Design
<TITLE OF YOUR MAJOR> BA (or) BS Your major department adviser <TITLE OF YOUR MINOR>MINOR Your major department adviser
- My APR does not display a Primary Requirement Area for a major; how do I fix this?add
For the APR to display major requirements, you need to be officially declared in a major. If you are ready to declare, see the major adviser for your major of interest to request declaration or learn more about the declaration process. If you are not ready to declare, but you are curious about what requirements you have completed for your major(s) of interest, you can request a ‘What If’ APR from the link on your Degree Progress card. This will allow you to simulate an APR as if you were declared in your major of interest.
- I completed IGETC. Why doesn’t the APR show all my breadth requirements as Satisfied?add
It could be that the campus never received the official documentation confirming your completion of IGETC. Contact your college advising office (or if you are an L&S student, use the L&S APR correction form) to report this issue.
- I believe I completed a requirement with an Exam score; why is the APR saying the requirement is ‘Not Satisfied?’add
First, check your Exam Results report to see if we have received the score report. If you are a new student, and you do not see an exam score by the end of July, it could be that there was an error in the report that prevented us from matching the score to your student record. Alternatively, you may have sent a report that reflects your highest overall score, but does not include your highest score for an individual subject that could be used to satisfy the requirement. If you took the exam more than once, consider requesting a score report be sent for an additional exam date in which, for example, you earned a higher score on the SAT Math test to satisfy the L&S Quantitative Reasoning requirement.
For either scenario, open a CSC case to let us know of your concern, and we will search for your score report and/or provide instructions on how to send an additional report for another exam date.
- The APR is using a course I never took at Berkeley. How is this possible?add
If you took a course at a CA Community College that is articulated to a Berkeley course as published in ASSIST, the APR will ‘see’ the transfer course as the Berkeley equivalent and display as such in the APR. You will know that the course is actually the transfer equivalent as a ‘T’ appears before the grade in the course option table.
- I took a course abroad or at a non-California Community College. Why is it missing from my APR?add
You may be able to use the course, but it will need to be reviewed by the unit assigning the requirement to make sure it meets the necessary criteria. Take a look at the Primary Requirement Area for the requirement of interest, and use the table below to determine who you need to contact to have the course reviewed:
APR Primary Requirement area Where to report UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AND BERKELEY CAMPUS REQUIREMENTS Open a CSC case and the Central Evaluation Unit will investigate COLLEGE OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS College of Environmental Design
<TITLE OF YOUR MAJOR> BA (or) BS Your major department adviser <TITLE OF YOUR MINOR>MINOR Your major department adviser If you already went through a review process, and know the course is approved, your adviser may need to enter the course into the APR by exception.
- I have earned at least (or more than) 120 units. Why does my APR say I am short for the Berkeley Campus: Minimum Total Unit requirement?add
You may have earned excess PE or Special Studies units (courses numbered 97, 98, 99, 197, 198, 199). You may apply up to 4 units of PE toward the 120 unit overall minimum, and 16 total Special Studies courses toward the 120 overall total-unit minimum. If you have exceeded these limits, the APR will block that credit from applying to the required minimum. It is likely you will need to complete more units to qualify for graduation -- to be sure, please consult your college adviser.
- I completed or have in-progress CLASSICS R44, which is supposed to complete one Part of R&C as well as breadth. How do I get this corrected?add
You may use CLASSICS R44 to satisfy either Part A or B of Reading & Composition and one of the following breadth: Arts and Literature, Historical Studies, or Social & Behavioral Sciences. If the APR is not using this class for all eligible requirements, contact your college advising office to update your APR. College of Letters and Science students, please use the L&S APR correction form to report this issue.
- I’m pretty sure that I met Senior Residence, but the APR says I am short units. How can I get this reviewed?add
The APR can have issues with Senior Residence if you are posting transfer work late in your Berkeley career, or the APR may be miscounting units for other reasons. Contact your college advising office to review and assess if any corrections need to be made to better track your progress with this requirement.